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The Effect Core Values, Beliefs, and Vision Have on Your Personal Development

Every person alive has a set of core values and beliefs about life that influences the vision they have of the future and even sometimes the past. These core values and beliefs are often developed in childhood and can be strongly tilted toward success or failure, as well as abundance or lack.

You get a lot of these ideas from your parents, but they also come from general society. The TV shows you watched growing up, the friends you had, their parents, your teachers and whatever was happening in the world as you grew up that is reflected on the news affects your values and beliefs as well. Many of these things in your mind you don’t even know are there.

Therefore, you often act unconsciously to things that strike at those core values and beliefs. Sometimes those actions lead you down the wrong path. Through working on your personal development, you’re going to become much more self-aware about your core values and beliefs and why you have specific ideas or not.

Positive & Negative Core Beliefs

Everyone has both positive and negative core beliefs. The more positive thoughts you have, the more positive you will behave, as you embark on achievement. These positive beliefs include things like believing you are worthy, safe, competent and capable, appreciated, accepted, knowledgeable, and so forth.

Negative beliefs are often focused and based on your personality or inner-self, as well as on a negative thought that someone had about you or based on something you said about yourself. These can be very limiting to your self-esteem. That’s why you can meet two people, who have the same job, make the same amount of money, and one will be happy and satisfied, while the other person will inwardly feel miserable.

Finding Out Core Values & Beliefs Are Negative

You may not even realize you have beliefs that are causing you to be held back. If you’ve watched person after person succeed at something that you want to do, are you able to identify why to improve it or are you not able to accept that a core idea or belief you have is erroneous? One idea a lot of people have that is very limiting is the idea of money being finite. The truth is more money can always be made, but you may have to create it first. Once you find out that you have negative core beliefs, you can work on turning them into positives.

Willingness to Change Brings More Success

If you want to embark on a journey to personal development, be willing to challenge your core beliefs, ideas, and even the vision you have created for your life. Until you know what’s true, accurate, and based on facts rather simply on opinions or false beliefs, it’ll be hard to envision how far you can go towards the advancements you want to make. It may be the difference between deciding to become a Doctor or a Nurse. Neither career is a wrong choice. However, one might be better for you, when considering your likes, dislikes, existing skills, your health, and your interests, goals, and other preferences.

As you work through your development plan in all aspects of your life, you’ll come to many surprising realizations. Some of them will be a surprise, others, not so much. The critical point is to realize that the ideas you have right now, even your most core beliefs and values may change once you find out it’s not true. For instance, it’s not true that you can’t lose weight. It’s not true that you cannot start your own business. It’s not true that you aren’t good enough. If you find that you have limiting core beliefs and values, you will want to work on those first. Without the inside taken care of, it’s hard to fix everything else.

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